Wednesday 9 May 2012

Can Christians Agree on Climate Change?

I've just been appointed to New College. One of my roles is to manage the CASE blog on behalf of the Director of CASE Prof Trevor Cairney. I have spent the last few weeks familiarising myself with the organisation's publication CASE Magazine, and the rich online resources we offer via our website all of which are available to Associates of CASE, while selected articles are free. One of the issues that I thought was worth revisiting is Case #11 on the theme 'Testing the Weather' which deals with a Christian response to climate change. 

In particular, I found  Dr Jenny Beer's article  (entitled "Can all Christians  Agree on Climate Change?") very enlightening in detailing the different approaches Christians have towards this headline issue. She writes:

.....the subject of climate change has moved from the Greenie fringe to the centre of political and social debate. Christians have begun to talk seriously about the issues surrounding our care for creation, the tasks of Christian living and the connection between creation, redemption and the "world to come"..............
Beer's article outlines the different schools of thought, and challenges the reader to consider the evidence and the various issues that are currently being debated very carefully. One of the points I took away from them Dr Beer's article was not only to consider what is the evidence being presented, but to take into account who is actually presenting the evidence. Many differences of opinion have arisen in Christian circles as some follow evidence presented by political scientists and others listen to the evidence presented by environmental scientists. The article addresses how can we evaluate and compare evidence provided from our politicians and  scientists in the field. Long-time CASE Associates might enjoy digging up their old copy of this CASE edition, newer members can read it free online and might want to contact CASE and arrange a copy of this issue if they think they might enjoy the other articles too!

Edwina Hine (New College and CASE,  EA to the Master)

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