“While this gives tween girls more freedom, many end up spending a significant amount of time on their own….As parents are frequently not around, girls turn to their peers for support. This gives young girls a lot of power over each other's lives.”

Nicole’s post has prompted me to revisit the topic to comment a couple of things.
1. There are qualitative differences in the time fathers spend with their children
While fathers are spending slightly more time with their children than they used to, they still spend much less time than mothers, and there appear to be qualitative differences in the time spent with them. As you’d expect fathers spend less than half the hours in direct care of children under the age of 14 years. But they spend less time in all major areas of involvement:
- Engagement – i.e. direct interactions with their children and joint activities.
- Accessibility – i.e. being available for possible interaction in the house or even by phone.
- Responsibility – i.e. being responsible for childcare and the resources their children need.
What studies like the above show is that more mothers than fathers engage in experiences with their children, and particularly with their sons, that promote physical and emotional intimacy. These data also suggest that if mothers are less available for boys in the teenage years will, that this could have adverse effects, particularly when coupled with low father involvement.
2. Growing up without a father makes a big difference
Research also consistently shows that children growing up without their fathers face more difficulties and are at higher risk of low school achievement, higher unemployment after school, earlier childbearing and delinquency. Boys growing up without fathers also seem especially prone to exhibit problems as varied as gender-identity, psychosocial adjustment, and aggressiveness. Girls are also affected by father-absence, although the effects on girls may be less enduring, dramatic, and consistent than the effects on boys. The absence of mothers (increasingly), as Maggie Hamilton writes, increases the risk of problems for girls as well.
3. Fathers help boys with peer relationships
Fathers play an important role in their children's socialization and including having potential influence on their children's relationships with peers (this applies to girls and boys). Professor Ross Parke at the University of California (Riverside) has spent many years exploring mother-father differences in styles of interaction. A particular interest has been in the lessons that are learned in the family that, in turn, influence children's adaptation to peers. He has identified several sets of mediating processes that bridge the gap between the family and peer group:
- Helping with emotional regulation and support concerning social relationships.
- Instructing, tutoring and modelling how to interact with peers.
- Managing their children's peer relationships through some level of control of peer contacts.
Research evidence continues to show what the Bible has always taught, families matter! Mothers and fathers play different but complementary roles in nurturing, teaching and guiding their children.
Other useful resources
Fatherhood Institute
Family Action Centre (Newcastle University)

I've been reading quite a bit recently on the importance of families. Thanks for this.
Oh, and by the way, playing with my son is great fun now! I made a toy helicopter crash the other day and the commotion that it caused in getting the fire engines there was great fun - thanks!
Hi Prue, glad to hear from you. I find that helicopters DO make a lot of noise when they crash. It must be the rotors as they hit the carpet, table legs etc. Glad you're enjoying playtime with your son. I'll probably do another post on play in the next week or so (on my other blog of course).
Hi Trevor,
I am a Kenyan lady, a counselling psychology student currently doing a paper on Parental Absenteeism and its effects, whether positive or negative.
I find your site very helpful and informative.
Am not a parent yet, but I looove kids and am already involved in my two nephews' lives(from two older sisters, as if they were my own kids.
Thank you for your comment Anonymous, nice to know that we have common interests and concerns. You might also like to look at my blog "Literacy, families and learning" at http://www.trevorcairney.blogspot
This is a fantastic article. In fact, I linked to it on my blog. You've offered some amazing insight. Thanks so much for sharing this information and your viewpoint.
Thanks Retina, glad you liked the post. As an educator you might like my blog 'Literacy, Families & Learning'.
Nice to hear from you and thanks for the link.
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