"Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."
Understanding the importance and role of the city
Cities can be lonely places, where it is easy to be anonymous or to lead an isolated life. They can be places where people like Jorge can die alone, and where others can suffer physically and emotionally alone and without support. Cities are places where homelessness is common and abuse of one kind or another a daily part of life. But they are also places of rich culture and learning, places where ideas are exchanged and people's lives can be enriched. They are places where Christians can preach and share the word, serve the sick and needy, train and equip others for ministry and life, raise a family, be part of the delivery of God’s grace to lost people. Tim Keller has pointed out that the human desire to congregate inevitably leads to the formation of cities as people congregate together for security, to share resources, for commerce, to learn from one another an so on. Keller suggests that if you capture the city with the gospel you capture the nation (here). The city he points out can be a wonderful place to live and raise a family (listen to his talk here). It is a strategic place to build gospel ministry.

As Christians it would be easy to assume that the city is a sinful wasteland and retreat to the peace and tranquillity of a remote farm to live a life of isolation, but that is not what we are generally called to do. Cities are places over which God is sovereign where he is at work, and as always they are strategic, because it is in cities that many people come together to work, trade, learn, play, create, perform and so on. There is much talk about the impact of technology on human activity - new ways to travel, instant forms of mass global communication, new ways to connect or ‘wire’ communities (see previous posts here and here) - but while technology is changing the way we spend our time, where we spend it, and how we communicate with one another, the need for human contact remains and community remains. As such, the buildings and physical buildings and spaces we create should reflect our desire to be with other people, to share our lives and the gospel others.
Understanding space and architecture and how they can support community
Related to having a better theology of the city is the need for a better understanding of space and how we use it. Like Tim Chester, I have a particular interest in how space both influences community and in turn, how the type of community shapes space. Tim Chester wrote about this in a blog post last year (here) which I linked to from this site at the time. He has also expressed similar thoughts in his book The Trinity and Humanity (you can read an extract of it here) that:
'Architecture and town planning cannot of themselves create community. But they can facilitate the flourishing of community or they can impede community. This then is one criteria by which we assess architecture and town planning from a Christian perspective.'
I have had an interest in space and how it shapes and in turn is shaped by human activity for over 30 years. My first degree included a major in urban geography/planning so I have had an ongoing interest in the shape of cities, how they spread and the diffusion of ideas within them for a long time. My life experiences growing up in a 1950s urban fringe community, living in an apartment as a young married in Sydney’s sprawling western suburbs, a house in a culdesac in regional NSW as a young father, life as a family in a commuter city to Sydney and now the cafĂ© society of the Inner West of Sydney as an older man (kills me to say that!), have all shaped my views of the city. So too did my work as a researcher focusing on families and early learning in some of Sydney’s poorest and most difficult suburbs.
My lived experience, my interest stimulated by study, and my work as a researcher focussing on families, communities and children's early learning, have taught me that use of space, patterns of human habitation and ideas are closely related.
One example of how a theology of the city and architecture can shape what we do with space

- While all bedrooms were to allow complete privacy if required and ensuite facilities, these rooms were not meant to encourage totally independent living by being too large and self sufficient.
- There were to be common spaces off clusters of rooms (one on each floor to have TV and cable facilities to discourage people getting their own).
- Access to and egress from the building was to be via communal areas where residents could see others gathered there.
- Elevators were to open onto common rooms.
- Common areas and activity zones were to be created that would allow lines of sight so that people could see other people doing things in different parts of the building.
- There were to be varied communal space that would encourage different sized events (whether formal or informal) and meet varied interests.
- Good central access to administration and a convenience store in the building.
- There would be many gathering points in the building.

What are the implications of the above more broadly for Christian witness and ministry?
In summing up, I want to briefly have a stab at answering this basic question. How does the above inform the way we use the space that we live in at home, the way we think about the role of space and property in gospel ministry, the way we engage with and seek to build our local communities? A few quick thoughts on practical ways that we can think about these issues.

c) The city around us - As citizens within a city what are the things that we should join others in advocating? While Christians represent a small proportion of citizens how can we use our voices and sometimes public and professional positions to influence public decisions about our cities? And how can we use the spaces we have? In relation to planning we should be supportive of:
- More and better public spaces (parks, playing fields, walking tracks, cycle ways etc).
- Better public transport, pedestrian ways, cycle ways, spaces to encourage people to congregate (see Tim Chester’s thoughts on this).
- Careful planning to integrate commercial, residential and recreational spaces in ways that make human movement easy, that increases visibility (for safety as well as community building), that reduce isolation and the need for long distance travel.
Related links and reading

Tim Keller's excellent summary of a biblical view of the city (here) and his talk on how the city can help us to raise a family (here).
You can see another expression of interest in this topic in a post I wrote on my 'Literacy, Families and Learning' blog last year on literature and 'Sense of place' (here).
Thanks, Trevor, for another great post.
Just one question of the many this topic raises concerns the effect our typical mode of living in a city like Sydney has on relationships between families living in an area, and between members of families. I am thinking especially of the plight of mothers with young children.
I tend to think the typical arrangement of “couples-living-with-their-two-point-five-children-in-separate-brick-boxes” is probably inherently inimical to the formation of community, and would even go so far as to say contrary to the way we humans were designed to live (how many of us have more than a (literally) nodding acquaintance with the people who live two doors down, for instance?).
God designed us for relationship, with him and with our fellow humans. There are many so-called traditional societies in which the latter point, at least, is practised in a way very different from the Western norm. I am thinking of some kind of clan/tribe/extended family/village arrangement, with different generations interacting, child care being seen as a job to be shared (mostly) among the women and even older children as a kind of group activity, as against our norm of one woman caring for her children, frequently isolated even from her own mother, let alone other family members and peers, and going slowly mad as she waits for her husband to get home from work to give her a break! This is turn provides many women with an urgent incentive to put their children into some kind of care as soon as possible so they can go back to work (and under the circumstances I find it hard to blame them, lamentable though the decision often is).
I find this kind of model decidedly unhealthy, and think there is the potential for enormous gains to be made in the quality of our relationships if our living spaces and arrangements started to be designed and formed with notions of supportive community in mind, instead of in response to career or financial advancement, and other imperatives that seem to place little importance on community and quality of relationships.
Greg T
Thanks Greg, as usual you've added some interesting additional perspectives. You make several points interesting points, but one think that rings all my bells is the fac that like you I believe that the way we view family has become so narrow in western society. Families have become more and more fragmented and the importance of extended families has been lost. There is a relationship between our houses and the places we choose to live which says a lot about how we see family. Co-location of extended families is still common in some cultures but less so in Australia. Interestingly, we use more and more space for less and less people.
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