Thursday, 29 December 2005


There are traditionally two reasons for sleeping--to refresh the body, and as a memento mori, a preparation for leaving this world and entering the next. Is today's Western busyness part of our denial of death and a world beyond this one? Lauren Winner thinks so in this call to get enough sleep. I hope you do these holidays! See you in 2006.

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Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Christmas wishes

Christmas brings out the deeply serious and the deeply silly in me, so here's wishing all CASE readers a very word-became-flesh focused, theologically sustaining, carol-filled, Narnia-visiting, suitably Aussie (not Aussie), and fun festive season. Join us in 2006 for more courses, lectures and conferences—and a quarterly publication that is back on a quarterly timetable!
Greg Clarke

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